“CultureYouthLab Youth Activation and Emancipation through Creative Processes ”is a project that seeks to take advantage of the interdisciplinary experience (Art-Education-Citizenship) of the participating organizations to build an innovative methodological model that serves to improve the system. Non-formal education associations from Spain, Portugal, Slovenia and Slovakia, and associated cultural and training entities in each country are part of the project. We consider that the areas of formal education, non-formal education, culture, social services and public health should be connected in another way to make better use of resources and to be more efficient in their strategies and in their tactics. We believe that incorporating artists and creators and cultural programs into socio-educational and training processes in a systematic and consistent way improves learning and promotes social inclusion.
Methodological guide SLOVENIAN
Metohodological guide PORTUGUES
Training on line
Disclaimer notice: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.